We’re now doing business as Florida Counseling for All! Formerly known as MSW Services.

A New Chapter: Introducing Florida Counseling for All

Since our inception in 2018, MSW Services has been a beacon of hope and support for the elderly, disabled, and families. Our mission has always been to improve the quality of life for our clients, creating a community where everyone is valued, included, and empowered. Our founder, Liliam Bernal, along with our dedicated team, has worked tirelessly to serve our clients, even during the most challenging times, like the COVID-19 pandemic.

Why We Are Changing Our Name

As we evolved, we realized the need for clarity in our services. Our new name, Florida Counseling for All, directly reflects our commitment to providing comprehensive mental health services. This change is not just in name but is a reaffirmation of our dedication to serving our community with the specific, specialized care they require. While we continue to offer all our existing services, each department will now focus more directly on the services they provide, ensuring better communication and understanding for our clients.

Staying True to Our Roots

While our name changes, our core values and operations remain steadfast. We will continue to build strong relationships, serve our community, invest in quality, promote inclusion, leadership, accountability, reliability, accessibility, and trust. Our commitment to improving the quality of life for our clients is unwavering.

We are excited to embark on this new journey as Florida Counseling for All and look forward to continuing to serve you with the same dedication and passion that have been our hallmark since day one.

Impact on Our Clients

Our new name brings with it clearer communication and a more straightforward understanding of our services. Our clients can now easily identify if we are a good fit for them and schedule the appointments directly without any hesitation. This change enhances our promise to deliver exceptional care tailored to each individual’s journey.

Our Vision for the Future

Looking ahead, Florida Counseling for All aims to expand our reach across Florida, offering top-tier mental health services. Our goal is to minimize wait times and provide accessible care to both insurance and private-pay clients. Our team of specialized clinicians is dedicated to understanding and meeting the unique needs of each client, ensuring that everyone has the support and care they deserve.

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